Viviana Rolon Rosado
Licensed Massage Therapist



Welcome to my Website! If you’re looking for a professional massage therapist, you’ve come to the right place.

I am trained in a variety of modalities, and you can click on the "Services & Rates" page to learn more about the various techniques I use in my work.  I am specialized on massage to help in conditions like fibromialgia, multiple sclerosis, sciatica pain, scleroderma, neuropathy, swelling, muscular pain, back pain, neck pain, joint pain, chronic stress, etc.  

I will focus to give you a holistic approach on each therapy.  My goal is for you to do better than you did. You will feel relaxed, with wellness, less or no pain, balanced and wishing for your next therapy!

Also, if you’d like to set up an appointment with me, call or text me: 787-501-7311 or click on "Contact Me" and send me a message with your phone number. I will call you back to confirm the details of your appointment, and also answer any questions you might have.

I invite you to comment, share and create on our Facebook page HOLISTICOPR.  

HOLISTICO PUERTO RICO is located in Bayamón (Area metro)

 Holístico PR | Facebook

Thanks for visiting and have a great day.

V. Rolón, LMT

Lic. 923

*Prices may change without notice.